Neuropsychogical Trends 28 - November 2020
Neuropsychogical Trends 28 - November 2020

Neuropsychogical Trends 28 - November 2020

TABLE of CONTENTS: Michela Balconi - Laura Angioletti, Gambling behavior versus moral behavior: methodological perspectives in neuroeconomic decision-making – Seyed Mohammad Mahdi Moshirian Farahi - Seyedeh Maryam Moshirian Farahi - Mohammad Javad Asghari Ebrahimabad - Sayyed Mohsen Fatemi - Shamim Razaghi Kashani, The relationship between fearful facial expressions valences and resting-state SW/FW ratio – Ahmed Ossamy Al-Namroty - Raafat Mohamed Shaapan - Amal Abdul-Rasheed El-Moamly - Eman Moustafa Al-Hamshary, Correlation between behavioral alterations and dopamine changes in mice experimentally infected with Toxoplasma gondii – Michela Balconi - Giulia Fronda, Gesture in hyperscanning during observation. Inter-brain connectivity – Federico Tormen, Cognitive neuroscience applied to law. A neurolaw introduction.

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