International Journal of Transmedia Literacy (IJTL). Vol 4 (2018): Expanding Universes. Exploring Games and Transmedial Ways of World-building
TABLE of CONTENTS: Introduction to Expanding Universes. Exploring Games and Transmedial Ways of World-building, Raine Koskimaa, Krzysztof Maj, Ksenia Olkusz - The Narrative Consistency of the Warcraft Movie, Jonathan Barbara - Lost in Transmediation. Transmedial Adaption of Videogames and GDNA Theory, Sven Dwulecki - Language Danger: Metal Gear Solid V and the Weaponization of English, Chris Hall - Live Action Role Play: Transmediality, Narrativity and Markers of Subjectivity, Michal Mochocki - 'You Were all the World Like a Beach to me'. The Use of Second Person Address to Create Multiple Storyworlds in Literary Video Games: 'Dear Esther', a Case Study, Heidi Ann Colthup - "Live - Die - Repeat". The Time Loop as a Narrative and a Game Mechanic, Linda Lahdenperä - Guest Editors' Profiles
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166A cura di