An encounter of knowledges, cultures, literary experiences and scientific approaches, from East and West, took the shape of this multifarious and bilingual collection of papers, entitled Wenxin Duihua 文心對話: A Dialogue on The Literary Mind / The Core of Writing. This work is meant to represent a first stage in an ongoing process of confrontation, in the domain of the Chinese literary and aesthetic tradition indelibly marked by the milestone of Wenxin Diaolong 文心雕龍. The six Chinese and European authors of this work shared their research and perspectives, enriched the literary and aesthetic landscape with deep reflections and original connections, and enhanced a polyphonic dialogue stemming from Liu Xie's heritage and reaching universal themes, like the essence of writing and the strong relationship between signs and images. Their contributions, crystallized in Wenxin Duihua 文心對話: A Dialogue on The Literary Mind / The Core of Writing, reveal the enormous potential of a multicultural approach, as well as the immeasurable profoundness of the wen 文.
Book details
Original text
English Publication date
Page count
About the author
Simona Gallo
Holds a PhD from University of Milan and currently teaches Chinese Language, Literature and Culture at several Italian Universities. She has researched and published on contemporary Chinese Literature, and she is the editor of this work.