Relations. Beyond Anthropocentrism. Vol. 1, No. 1 (2013). Inside the Emotional Lives of Non-human Animals: Part I
A Minding Animals 2 (Utrecht, 2012) Pre-conference Event Special Issue (Genoa, Italy, May 12-13, 2012)Edited by M. Andreozzi, A. Massaro, K. Stallwood, S. TonuttiEDITORIALRelationships over Entities - Matteo AndreozziFOREWORDCommendation of the Special Edition of Relations Dedicated to The Emotional Lives of Animals - Rod Bennison PREFACEAnimals Are Our Relations - Kim Stallwood INTRODUCTIONThe Emotional Lives of Animals: a Comparison between Researchers and Disciplines - Alma Massaro, Sabrina Tonutti - STUDIES AND RESEARCH CONTRIBUTIONSSickness and Abnormal Behaviors as Indicators of Animal Suffering - Michele Panzera The Relationship between Humans and Other Animals in European Animal Welfare Legislation - Paola Sobbrio The Politics of Animal Rights Advocacy - Kim Stallwood - COMMENTS, DEBATES, REPORTS AND INTERVIEWSAnimal Consciousness and Science Matter: Anthropomorphism Is not Anti-science - Marc Bekoff Canons of Animal Aesthetics. A Report on the Exhibition Beauté Animale, Grand Palais, Paris, France, March 21st - July 16th, 2012 - Eleonora Adorni Theory, Activism, and the Other Ways: an Interview with Carol J. Adams - Adele Tiengo - REVIEWSLes Animaux Amoureux. 2007. Directed by Laurent Charbonnier. Edited by Jean-Pierre Bailly. DVD, 81 min. - Eleonora Adorni
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